Can kids learn the joy of giving?

We live, as the Chinese saying goes, in "interesting times." Wild politics. A fragile global economy. A fundamental shift in the distribution of wealth. It's hard to navigate these treacherous waters no matter who you are. Taking rather than giving seems to be the underlying...

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What do you believe? (v.4)

It's that time of year again -- the 'believing' season: a time when little kids and big kids alike, from 8 to 80, surrender just a bit to the warmth and wonder of the Holidays. This time, I find that experience to be especially challenging, given...

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(What) Do you believe?

I'm not grumpy. I'm distressed. I believe in hope, cheer and gratitude as much as the next guy, but I'm finding it tougher to "get there" this year. Why? Because there is so much injustice in the world today, which seems to me to be unrelenting...

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What do you believe?

Welcome to the believing season, otherwise, known as "the Holidays." It's a time of year when we give ourselves permission to believe in, and be grateful for many things in our lives -- a close family, dear friends, snow-driven evenings; whatever aspects of our lives...

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Who am I? – Mapping your identity

Most people consider the question, who am I, to be some deep, cosmic idea that defies a clear answer. Further, most people think it's a question one can address only after you've got more than a few decades of living under your belt. Wrong on both...

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What do you believe?

12. I can’t get the number out of my head. It must be the season…the 12 days of Christmas, the 12 months of the year, even being on the cusp of 2012.

We’re not just in the season of 12s; we’re also in the season of believing. In family, in friendship, in giving, in — yes, for some — even Santa Claus. So, I have chosen to offer up a little “belief” quiz.

Here you go: