The crisis crisis

Reading about Rutgers University's ongoing athletic department scandal, leads me to conclude that we're into a protracted crisis season, a time when crises are showing up all over the place. The list is long. Here (along with Rutgers) are a few of my recent favorites. The...

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Who am I? – Mapping your identity

Most people consider the question, who am I, to be some deep, cosmic idea that defies a clear answer. Further, most people think it's a question one can address only after you've got more than a few decades of living under your belt. Wrong on both...

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Breaking Your Identity Code

The idea of 'retirement' continues to lose currency with so many men and women who have better things to do than spend their days on the golf course or traveling (not there's anything wrong with these activities). What people do seem to want is a degree...

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Kids are people too!

I keep reading about kids who go astray, or who try to be someone they're not, so they'll be popular with their peers.  All of this makes me a little bit crazy, for I believe that, best intentions aside, many parents fail to help their...

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Crack Your Identity Code

Crack your identity code and the contours of your life will shift. You will not only come out stronger, you will come out larger — larger in heart, larger in influence, and larger in your capacity to love and be loved. For this free resource please...

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